Hi, I am a junior student in the Computer Science Department in Seattle University. Currently, I am also taking classes from North Seattle Community College. This summer, I will complete my C++ Certificate from University of Washington Extension. I am also eager to join the software engineer industry as an internship or volunteer and obtain some real world experience.
Home Address : 5212 University Way NE Apt#203 Seattle WA 98105
Phone : (206) 525-2147
Fax : (206) 525-3008
Email : katy@bergs.com
Adaline Neural Network - CSC 143 (HW3) North Seattle Community College
Expression Evaluator - CSC 143 (HW4) North Seattle Community College
Word counting program (using Binary Search Tree data structure) - C++ Intermediate from UW Extension
From Classes I took in Seattle University
Efficiency Comparison of two sorting algorithms (JAVA applet) - CSE 250
From Classes I took in North Seattle Community College
Visual Basic Projects - CIS 172
From UW Extension C Certificate Program (Winter 96 - Summer 97)
Data Structure and Algorithm
From UW Extension C++ Certificate Program (Fall 97 - Current)
Intermediate - see project I am currently working on...
advanced (I will take this class in summer 99)