//******************************************************************************** // C++ Certificate Program Intermediate Spring 1999 : Stephen Philips // // Final Project // File : \\Venus\katy\C++ Certificate\intermediate\Final Project // \main.cpp // // Purpose : TestDriver for class BinaryTree. // // Author : Hsin-yi F. Berg // Date : 6/7/99 // Update : 6/7/99 //******************************************************************************** #include "BinaryTree.h" #include "WordCountBTree.h" #include <fstream.h> #include <istream.h> int main(void) { /* BinaryTree bt; bt.Print(); bt.Add("g"); bt.Add("e"); bt.Add("z"); bt.Add("z"); bt.Add("i"); bt.Print(); cout << endl; LeafNode *a = bt.Find("g"); LeafNode *b = bt.Find("go"); a->Print(); if(b == NULL) cout << "go not found" << endl; cout << endl; LeafNode *c = bt.First(); c->Print(); cout << "The size of the tree is: " << bt.GetSize() << endl; */ ifstream in("test.txt"); WordCountBTree wbt; wbt.CountWordFreq(in); wbt.Print(); return 0; }
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