//******************************************************************************** // C++ Certificate Program Intermediate Spring 1999 : Stephen Philips // // Final Project // File : \\Venus\katy\C++ Certificate\intermediate\Final Project // \WordCountBTree.h // // Purpose : Declaration for class WordCountBTree to be used for counting words // in Lecture 6 // // Author : Hsin-yi F. Berg // Date : 6/2/99 // Update : 6/8/99 //********************************************************************************
#include "BinaryTree.h"
const int max_char = 128;
class Token { public: /* Token::Token()
Constructor for a Token. */ Token();
/* Token::~Token()
Restructor for the Token. */ ~Token();
/* char *Token::GetNextToken(istream & in)
Takes an istream and breaks it up into "tokens". Returns a string. If an empty string is returned, it's EOF */ char *GetNextToken(istream & in);
// /* // int Token::GetType(void) const
// Returns the type of the token. // */ // TokenType getType(void) const;
/* char *Token::GetValue()
Converts Token to a char *. */ char *GetValue();
char *token; // TokenType type;
class WordCountBTree : public BinaryTree { public: /* WordCountBTree::WordCountBTree()
Constructor of a WordCountBTree. */ WordCountBTree();
/* WordCountBTree::~WordCountBTree()
Destructor of a WordCountBTree. */ ~WordCountBTree();
/* void WordCountBTree::CountWordFreq(istream &in)
Put all the words in the Btree and count the frequencies. */ void CountWordFreq(istream &in);
/* void WordCountBTree::PrintWordFreq()
Print out all the words that are in the tree, and their frequencies. */ void PrintWordFreq();
private: Token curToken;
/* void WordCountBTree::PrintWordFreqHelp(LeafNode* pLeafNode)
Helper function for the PrintWordFreq function. */ void PrintWordFreqHelp(LeafNode* pLeafNode); };
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