//******************************************************************************** // C++ Certificate Program Intermediate Spring 1999 : Stephen Philips // // Final Project // File : \\Venus\katy\C++ Certificate\intermediate\Final Project // \BinaryTree.cpp // // Purpose : Implementation for class BinaryTree using in-order transversal. // // Author : Hsin-yi F. Berg // Date : 6/2/99 // Update : 6/7/99 //********************************************************************************
#include "BinaryTree.h" #include <string.h> #include <assert.h>
/* BinaryTree::BinaryTree()
Default constructor for a BinaryTree. A BinaryTree is created empty. */
BinaryTree::BinaryTree():root(NULL), size(0)
/* BinaryTree::~BinaryTree()
Destructor for a BinaryTree. */
{ delete root; }
/* void BinaryTree::Destroy(LeafNode *&rpLeafNode)
{ // this recursive function will trasverse the whole binary // tree from top to the node with no branch (no left and no // right) and delete that node on the way of returning, // repeat this process all the way back to the top.
if(rpLeafNode == NULL) return;
// find the left most LeafNode until hit NULL. Destroy(rpLeafNode->GetLeft()); // when there is no more left LeafNode, go to the right subtree. // and find the left most LeafNode of that subtree. Destroy(rpLeafNode->GetRight());
// when we get to this point, pLeafNode is the node that has no // left and no right LeafNode, so we can just delete it. delete rpLeafNode; size--; // setting pLeafNode to NULL is important because LeafNode only // delete the key pointer, it assumes that left and right are NULL rpLeafNode = NULL; } */
/* void BinaryTree::Add(KEY word) { // call InsertLeafNode, which recursively find the // correct poistion and insert the newLeafNode. InsertLeafNode(&root, word); // pass the reference of root }
void BinaryTree::InsertLeafNode(LeafNode **ppLeafNode, KEY word) { // if we find the position to add the newLeafNode. if(*ppLeafNode == NULL) { *ppLeafNode = new LeafNode(word); assert(*ppLeafNode); size--; }
// if the word is already in the tree, just increment the value field in that LeafNode. else if(strcmp((*ppLeafNode)->GetKey(), word) == 0) { (*ppLeafNode)->IncrementValue(); }
// if the key is smaller, search left subtree for the insert position. else if(smaller((*ppLeafNode)->GetKey(), word)) //ppLeafNode->AddLeft(word); InsertLeafNode( &((*ppLeafNode)->GetLeft()), word); // otherwise, search right subtree for the insert position.
else InsertLeafNode( &((*ppLeafNode)->GetRight()), word); } */
/* void BinaryTree::Add(KEY word)
Add an item to the tree. */ void BinaryTree::Add(KEY word) { if( root != NULL ) InsertLeafNode(root, word); else { root = new LeafNode(word); size++; } }
/* void BinaryTree::InsertLeafNode(LeafNode *pLinkNode, KEY word)
Add the item to the left if its key is smaller, otherwise to the right. used in Add function. */ void BinaryTree::InsertLeafNode(LeafNode *pLeafNode, KEY word) { int iResult = strcmp(word, pLeafNode->GetKey());
if(iResult == 0) { pLeafNode->IncrementValue(); } else if(iResult < 0) { if(pLeafNode->GetLeft() == NULL) { pLeafNode->AddLeft(word); size++; } else InsertLeafNode(pLeafNode->GetLeft(), word); } else { if(pLeafNode->GetRight() == NULL) { pLeafNode->AddRight(word); size++; } else InsertLeafNode(pLeafNode->GetRight(), word); } }
/* bool BinaryTree::smaller(KEY word1, KEY word2)
Comparison function for AddHelper. Return true is key1 is smaller than key2 */ bool BinaryTree::smaller(KEY word1, KEY word2) { return (strcmp(word1, word2) < 0); }
/* void BinaryTree::Delete(KEY word)
Delete an item from the tree. */ void BinaryTree::Delete(KEY word) { // if the tree is empty, don't do anything if(IsEmpty()) return;
// otherwise, call RemoveLeafNode which recursively find the // right LeafNode to remove and remove it from the tree. RemoveLeafNode(root, word); }
/* bool BinaryTree::IsEmpty(void)
Return true is the tree is empty. */ bool BinaryTree::IsEmpty(void) { return (root == NULL); }
/* void BinaryTree::RemoveLeafNode(LeafNode *pLeafNode, KEY word)
Remove the item with the matching key. used in Delete function. */ void BinaryTree::RemoveLeafNode(LeafNode *pLeafNode, KEY word) { // find the LeafNode with key word LeafNode *temp = FindHelper(root, word);
// if found if(temp != NULL) RemoveLeafNodeHelper(temp); // pass by reference
/* // if not found, do nothing. if(pLeafNode == NULL) return;
// if the item to delete is found, call helper function to delete this node if(strcmp(pLeafNode->key, word)) RemoveLeafNodeHelper(pLeafNode);
// if the word is smaller than the LeafNode key, search the left subtree else if(smaller(word, pLeafNode->key)) RemoveLeafNode(pLeafNode, word);
// otherwise, search the right subtree else RemoveLeafNode(pLeafNode, word); */
/* void BinaryTree::RemoveLeafNodeHelper(LeafNode *&rpLeafNode)
Helper function for RemoveLeafNode to delete a specific node. */ void BinaryTree::RemoveLeafNodeHelper(LeafNode *&rpLeafNode) { // if the LeafNode has no children if((rpLeafNode->GetLeft() == NULL) && (rpLeafNode->GetRight() == NULL)) { delete rpLeafNode; rpLeafNode = NULL; size--; }
// if the LeafNode has only left child else if(rpLeafNode->GetRight() == NULL) { LeafNode *temp = rpLeafNode; rpLeafNode = rpLeafNode->GetLeft(); // have to set the left pointer to NULL here, otherwise, // the left child will be deleted too. temp->SetLeft(NULL); delete temp; size--; }
// if the LeafNode has only right child else if(rpLeafNode->GetLeft() == NULL) { LeafNode *temp = rpLeafNode; rpLeafNode = rpLeafNode->GetRight(); // have to set the right pointer to NULL here, because // the destructor only destruct the node with no children. temp->SetRight(NULL); delete temp; size--; }
// if the LeafNode has left and right children else { LeafNode *temp = rpLeafNode; LeafNode *leftmost = FindLeftMostLeafNode(rpLeafNode->GetRight()); leftmost->SetLeft(rpLeafNode->GetLeft()); rpLeafNode = rpLeafNode->GetRight();
temp->SetLeft(NULL); temp->SetRight(NULL);
delete temp; size--; }
/* void BinaryTree::FindLeftMostLeafNode(LeafNode *pLeafNode)
Return the left most LeafNode of the LeafNode past in. */ LeafNode *BinaryTree::FindLeftMostLeafNode(LeafNode *pLeafNode) { if(pLeafNode->GetLeft() == NULL) return pLeafNode; else return FindLeftMostLeafNode(pLeafNode->GetLeft()); }
/* LeafNode *BinaryTree::Find(KEY word)
Locate a LeafNode in the tree. Return a pointer to that LeafNode. if not found, return NULL. call FindHelper. */ LeafNode *BinaryTree::Find(KEY word) { return FindHelper(root, word); }
/* LeafNode *BinaryTree::FindHelper(LeafNode pLeafNode, KEY word)
Helper function for Find. */ LeafNode *BinaryTree::FindHelper(LeafNode *pLeafNode, KEY word) { // if not found, return NULL. if(pLeafNode == NULL) return NULL;
// if the LeafNode of matching key is found, return its pointer. if(strcmp(pLeafNode->GetKey(), word) == 0) return pLeafNode;
// if the word is smaller than the LeafNode key, search the left subtree else if(smaller(word, pLeafNode->GetKey())) return FindHelper(pLeafNode->GetLeft(), word);
// otherwise, search the right subtree else return FindHelper(pLeafNode->GetRight(), word); }
/* LeafNode &BinaryTree::First()
Locate the smallest item in the tree. */ LeafNode *BinaryTree::First() { return FindLeftMostLeafNode(root); }
// /* // LeafNode &BinaryTree::Next()
// Traverse the tree usning in-order traversal. // */ // LeafNode &BinaryTree::Next();
/* void BinaryTree::Print() const
Print the internal data in the BinaryTree. */ void BinaryTree::Print() const { if(root == NULL) cout << "The tree is empty." << endl; else PrintHelper(root); }
/* void BinaryTree::PrintHelper(LeafNode *pLeafNode) const
Helper function for tree. */ void BinaryTree::PrintHelper(LeafNode *pLeafNode) const { if(pLeafNode == NULL) return;
if(pLeafNode->GetLeft() != NULL) PrintHelper(pLeafNode->GetLeft());
if(pLeafNode->GetRight() != NULL) PrintHelper(pLeafNode->GetRight()); }
/* int BinaryTree::GetSize() const
Get the size of the tree (number of LeafNodes in the tree). */ int BinaryTree::GetSize() const { return size; }
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