/* main.cpp Main driver for adaline network Written by Keith Hughes, 21 May, 1999 CSC 143, North Seattle Community College */ #include <fstream.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> #include "adaline.h" // How many samples we'll take to check out what our current // error rate for the network is. static int ERROR_RESOLUTION = 1000; // What we want the overall error rate of the network to be // before we finish training it. static double NETWORK_ERROR_TOLERANCE = 0.001; // When training for a particular problem, we want our error // rate to be below this value. static double INDIVIDUAL_ERROR_TOLERANCE = 0.01; double ErrorRate(AdalineNet &); void GroupTest(AdalineNet &, char *); void Train(AdalineNet &, double); /* double f(x, y) The function we want to train the network to mimic. Doesn't really matter what the function is as long as it is linearly separable. */ double f(double x, double y) { return ((-5.0 * x - 2.0) / 4.0 >= y) ? 1.0 : -1.0; } /* int main(void) Main driver for the neural simulator. Creates a simple two layer Adaline network, train it against random samples against the f() function given above, then do a final test to see how it is performing. */ int main(void) { // srand((unsigned int) time(NULL)); // cout << "Creating an AdalineNet an1(3)..." << endl; // AdalineNet an1(3); // cout << "Write to file \"testfile.txt\" " << endl; // ofstream test("testfile.txt); // an1.WriteToFile(test); ifstream test1("testfile.txt"); cout << "Creating an empty AdalineNet an..." << endl; AdalineNet an; cout << "Reading from file \"testfile.txt\" " << endl; an.ReadFromFile(test1); cout << "Write to file \"testfile2.txt\" " << endl; ofstream test2("testfile2.txt"); an.WriteToFile(test2); // Starting and ending times of our training run. time_t begin, end; cout << "Welcome to the Adaline Network Simulator V1.0\n\n"; // Tell user what we're doing and open file for output data. cout << "Creating network.\n\n"; // Create the network with two layers, give two nodes in the input // layer and 1 in the output layer and connect the neurons together AdalineNet n(2); // Let's see how the initial network does. GroupTest(n, "Initial test"); // Train the network, timing how long it takes. cout << "\n\nTraining" << endl; begin = time(NULL); Train(n, NETWORK_ERROR_TOLERANCE); end = time(NULL); cout << "\n\nDone training (" << end - begin << " seconds)" << endl; // Now demonstrate that our error has gone down, but isn't // exact. cout << "\n\n"; GroupTest(n, "Final test"); // yeah, it all worked. return 0; } /* double ErrorRate(AdalineNet &n) Calculate the current error rate of adaline network <n>. We hand the network a series of random problems, count how many it gets wrong, and return the percentage wrong. */ double ErrorRate(AdalineNet &n) { // Inputs to the problem double x, y; // How many wrong answers we've seen. int count = 0; // Run a series of problems. for (int problem = 0; problem < ERROR_RESOLUTION; problem++) { // Create the problem values x = ((double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX) * 2.0 - 1.0; y = ((double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX) * 2.0 - 1.0; // Make the network calculate an answer n.SetInputValue(0, x); n.SetInputValue(1, y); n.Fire(); // Increase error count if we didn't get it. if (f(x,y) != n.GetOutputValue(0)) count++; } // Return the percentage wrong. return (double)count/(double)ERROR_RESOLUTION; } /* void GroupTest(AdalineNet &n, char *label) Run several error rate tests on the network, printing out the error rate of each test. Label each test with <label>. */ void GroupTest( AdalineNet &n, char *label ) { cout << label << " 1: " << ErrorRate(n) << endl; cout << label << " 2: " << ErrorRate(n) << endl; cout << label << " 3: " << ErrorRate(n) << endl; cout << label << " 4: " << ErrorRate(n) << endl; cout << label << " 5: " << ErrorRate(n) << endl; cout << label << " 6: " << ErrorRate(n) << endl; } /* void Train(AdalineNet &n, double errorThreshold) Train network <n> by handing it problems until the error rate for the network goes below a certain thershold. */ void Train( AdalineNet &n, double errorThreshold ) { // Output we want from the network from a given set of inputs double desiredOutput; // The inputs we'll give the network for the function at hand. double x, y; // Current error in caculating a network output with // what we want. double error; // Create a learning situation. We'll feed test cases with // known answers into the system until we get an // error rate from the whole network that is liveable. while (ErrorRate(n) >= errorThreshold) { // Generate two numbers between +1.0. x = ((double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX) * 2.0 - 1.0; y = ((double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX) * 2.0 - 1.0; // What our desired output is. desiredOutput = f(x,y); // These numbers will be our inputs into the network n.SetInputValue(0, x); n.SetInputValue(1, y); // We'll keep feeding these two number to the network and // firing it to calculate a result that we would like to be // the same as f(x,y). // We'll calculate the error between what the network // calculates and what f(x,y) actually returns. While // the error isn't within the desired error tolerance, // we'll force the network to learn. do { n.Fire(); error = desiredOutput - n.GetOutputValue(0); // Still not close enough. Force the network to learn n.DesiredOutput(desiredOutput); n.Learn(); } while (error >= INDIVIDUAL_ERROR_TOLERANCE); } }
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