
    Main driver for adaline network

    Written by Keith Hughes, 21 May, 1999
    CSC 143, North Seattle Community College

#include <fstream.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

#include "adaline.h"

// How many samples we'll take to check out what our current
// error rate for the network is.
static int ERROR_RESOLUTION = 1000;

// What we want the overall error rate of the network to be
// before we finish training it.
static double NETWORK_ERROR_TOLERANCE = 0.001;

// When training for a particular problem, we want our error
// rate to be below this value.
static double INDIVIDUAL_ERROR_TOLERANCE = 0.01;

double ErrorRate(AdalineNet &);
void GroupTest(AdalineNet &, char *);
void Train(AdalineNet &, double);

    double f(x, y)

    The function we want to train the network to mimic.

    Doesn't really matter what the function is as long as it is
    linearly separable.

double f(double x, double y) { 
    return ((-5.0 * x - 2.0) / 4.0 >= y) ? 1.0 : -1.0;

    int main(void)

    Main driver for the neural simulator.

    Creates a simple two layer Adaline network, train it against
    random samples against the f() function given above, then
    do a final test to see how it is performing.


    // srand((unsigned int) time(NULL));

    // cout << "Creating an AdalineNet an1(3)..." << endl;
    // AdalineNet an1(3);
    // cout << "Write to file \"testfile.txt\" " << endl;
    // ofstream test("testfile.txt);
    // an1.WriteToFile(test);

    ifstream test1("testfile.txt");
    cout << "Creating an empty AdalineNet an..." << endl;
    AdalineNet an;
    cout << "Reading from file \"testfile.txt\" " << endl;
    cout << "Write to file \"testfile2.txt\" " << endl;
    ofstream test2("testfile2.txt");

    // Starting and ending times of our training run.
    time_t begin, end;

    cout << "Welcome to the Adaline Network Simulator V1.0\n\n";

    // Tell user what we're doing and open file for output data.
    cout << "Creating network.\n\n";

    // Create the network with two layers, give two nodes in the input
    // layer and 1 in the output layer and connect the neurons together
    AdalineNet n(2);

    // Let's see how the initial network does.
    GroupTest(n, "Initial test");

    // Train the network, timing how long it takes.
    cout << "\n\nTraining" << endl;
    begin = time(NULL);
    end = time(NULL);
    cout << "\n\nDone training (" << end - begin << 
            " seconds)" << endl;

    // Now demonstrate that our error has gone down, but isn't
    // exact.
    cout << "\n\n";
    GroupTest(n, "Final test");

    // yeah, it all worked.
    return 0;

    double ErrorRate(AdalineNet &n)

    Calculate the current error rate of adaline network <n>.
    We hand the network a series of random problems, count how many
    it gets wrong, and return the percentage wrong.
ErrorRate(AdalineNet &n)

    // Inputs to the problem
    double x, y;

    // How many wrong answers we've seen.
    int count = 0;

    // Run a series of problems.
    for (int problem = 0; problem < ERROR_RESOLUTION; problem++) {
        // Create the problem values
        x = ((double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX) * 2.0 - 1.0;
        y = ((double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX) * 2.0 - 1.0;

        // Make the network calculate an answer
        n.SetInputValue(0, x);
        n.SetInputValue(1, y);
        // Increase error count if we didn't get it.
        if (f(x,y) != n.GetOutputValue(0))

    // Return the percentage wrong.
    return (double)count/(double)ERROR_RESOLUTION;

    void GroupTest(AdalineNet &n, char *label)

    Run several error rate tests on the network, printing out the
    error rate of each test. Label each test with <label>.

    AdalineNet &n,
    char *label


    cout << label << " 1: " << ErrorRate(n) << endl;
    cout << label << " 2: " << ErrorRate(n) << endl;
    cout << label << " 3: " << ErrorRate(n) << endl;
    cout << label << " 4: " << ErrorRate(n) << endl;
    cout << label << " 5: " << ErrorRate(n) << endl;
    cout << label << " 6: " << ErrorRate(n) << endl;

    void Train(AdalineNet &n, double errorThreshold)

    Train network <n> by handing it problems until the error
    rate for the network goes below a certain thershold.

    AdalineNet &n,
    double errorThreshold

    // Output we want from the network from a given set of inputs
    double desiredOutput;

    // The inputs we'll give the network for the function at hand.
    double x, y;

    // Current error in caculating a network output with
    // what we want.
    double error;

    // Create a learning situation. We'll feed test cases with
    // known answers into the system until we get an
    // error rate from the whole network that is liveable.
    while (ErrorRate(n) >= errorThreshold) {
        // Generate two numbers between +1.0.
        x = ((double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX) * 2.0 - 1.0;
        y = ((double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX) * 2.0 - 1.0;

        // What our desired output is.
        desiredOutput = f(x,y);

        // These numbers will be our inputs into the network
        n.SetInputValue(0, x);
        n.SetInputValue(1, y);

        // We'll keep feeding these two number to the network and
        // firing it to calculate a result that we would like to be
        // the same as f(x,y).
        // We'll calculate the error between what the network
        // calculates and what f(x,y) actually returns. While
        // the error isn't within the desired error tolerance,
        // we'll force the network to learn.
        do {
            error = desiredOutput - n.GetOutputValue(0); 
            // Still not close enough. Force the network to learn
        } while (error >= INDIVIDUAL_ERROR_TOLERANCE);
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