// CSC 143 Computer Programming II Spring 1999 Instructor: Keith Hughes
// Homework 3
// File : \\Venus\katy\CIS143\Homework3\AdalineNetwork\layer.h
// Purpose : Declaration for NeuronLayer and LinkLayer classes.
// Author : Hsin-yi F. Berg
// Date : 5/9/1999 Sun.
// Last Update: 5/28/1999 Fri.
// Update Note: Modification of the documentation
//                 NeuralNet has been moved to NeuralNet.h

#ifndef    LAYER_H
#define LAYER_H

#include "base.h"
#include <iostream.h>
#include <fstream.h>

typedef int ID;

// WEIGHT is the weight of the link, already declared in base.h
extern const double WEIGHT;

class Neuron;
class Link;

class NeuronLayer

        Default constructor for a NeuronLayer. NeuronLayer is created empty.


        Default destructor for a NeuronLayer.

        void NeuronLayer::SetHowManyNeurons(int n)

        Set how many Neurons are there in the layer (default is 0).
        This function can only be called once.
    void SetHowManyNeurons(int n);

        void NeuronLayer::SetNeuronValue(int whichNeuron, double Value)

        Set the value of a specified Neuron
    void SetNeuronValue(int whichNeuron, double Value);

        double NeuronLayer::GetNeuronValue(int whichNeuron) const

        Return the value of a specified Neuron
    double GetNeuronValue(int whichNeuron) const;

        void NeuronLayer::SetError(int whichNeuron, double newError)

        Set the error of a specific Neuron
    void NeuronLayer::SetError(int whichNeuron, double newError);

        double NeuronLayer::GetError(int whichNeuron) const

        Get the error of a specific Neuron.
    double NeuronLayer::GetError(int whichNeuron) const;

        int NeuronLayer::GetNumNeuron(void) const

        Return how many Neurons are already in the Neuron
    int GetNumNeuron(void) const;

        Neuron *&NeuronLayer::GetNeurons(void)

        Return the reference of Neurons
    Neuron *&GetNeurons(void);

        void NeuronLayer::Print(ostream& out) const

        print out the internal state of all the Neurons
        in the NeuronLayer to client supplied ostream
    void Print(ostream& out) const;

        void Neuron::Fire(void)

        fire the entire NeuronLayer
    void Fire(void);

        void NeuronLayer::ReadFromFile(istream &in)

        Read data into this NeuronLayer instance from file specified by "in"
    void NeuronLayer::ReadFromFile(istream &in);
        void NeuronLayer::WriteToFile(ostream &out)

        Write data of this NeuronLayer instance to file specified by "out"
    void NeuronLayer::WriteToFile(ostream &out);

    // id_count keeps track of how many NeuronLayers that have been created
    static int id_count;        
    // each NeuronLayer automatically gets an unique id when it's created
    ID id;
    // number of Neurons in the layer
    int numNeuron;                         
    // neurons stores the collection of Neurons
    Neuron *neurons;

class LinkLayer

        Default constructor for a LinkLayer. LinkLayer is created empty.

        Destructor for a LinkLayer.

        void LinkLayer::SetHowManyLinks(int n)

        set how many links there are in the layer.
    void SetHowManyLinks(int n);

        void LinkLayer::SetLinkWeight(double Weight)

        Set how many links there are in the layer.
        Set the weight of all links in the layer (all get the same value)
    void SetLinkWeight(double Weight);

        int LinkLayer::GetNumLink(void) const

        Get how many links there are in the layer.
    int GetNumLink(void) const;

        Link *&LinkLayer::GetLinks(void)

        Get how many links there are in the layer.
    Link *&GetLinks(void);

        void LinkLayer::Print(ostream &out) const

        Print out the internal state of all the Links in the LinkLayer to
        the client supplied ostream.
    void Print(ostream &out) const;

        void LinkLayer::ReadFromFile(istream &in)

        Read data into this LinkLayer instance from file specified by "in"
    void LinkLayer::ReadFromFile(istream &in);
        void LinkLayer::WriteToFile(ostream &out)

        Write data of this linkLayer instance to file specified by "out"
    void LinkLayer::WriteToFile(ostream &out);

    // id_count keeps track of how many LinkLayers that have been created
    static int id_count;             
    // each LinkLayer automatically gets an unique id when it's created
    ID id;
    // number of Links in the layer
    int numLink;
    // links stores the collection of Links
    Link *links;

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